A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

The First Movie as a Family

Posted by jnitesh on January 2, 2012

So yesterday we took Neev to see the much talked “MI-4”. I and he have been to the Rio movie before and he sat through that just fine. However, we still were nervous. But he sat through the movie like a champ. He saw the movie while munching on the testy popcorn, no trouble at all.  He seem to enjoy the movie as such but every once in a while he would say “Ab dinosaur aayenge (not dinosaur will come)”. The movie itself was a a terrific thriller with great action sequences. The best one being where Mr Cruise is hanging more than 100 stories up on the glass windows of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building.  PLAIN, SIMPLE AWESOME !!

Should we have taken him to the movies with so much guns and explosion, probably not, but we did. We obviously are not planning to make it a habit but every once is while when something like this comes us you have to do it …

On another note, as it was beginning of the new year so we did our good parents duty and took Neev to A Gurudwara (Thanks to Ank** and Man**) and also to the Jain temple. So we sort of balanced the bad deed (movie) with good deed (temple), at least in our head.

He also got a hair cut today and looks awesome..!!!

On a sad note, tomorrow schools and office open after a long holiday break. We are not looking forward to the busy life to say the least.

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Its Been a Long Long While….

Posted by jnitesh on December 31, 2011

I was gone …man oh man !!! Its been almost 3 years since I have written, I am going to be more regular now. At least once a month how about that !!!

Neev is just over 3 years and will be celebrating his 4th new year party on the earth …

see you later ..and Wish you all a Great 2012

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Month 4 done !!

Posted by jnitesh on March 7, 2009

4qbirthdayIn a couple of days Neev will turn 4 months old. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by.. I swear that was the fastest four months of my life !! Looking back at all of the pictures that we have taken of Neev (it’s well over a 1000 now, literally!) it is amazing how much he has changed. He has gotten bigger, stronger, more active, and discovered so much of the world around him, and We have savored every minute watching him.

He is such a chunky monkey now. He weighs almost 14 pounds now and mommy’s back back could attest for that! He is so big and so strong. He holds his head up really well these days and if he could stand up on his own I think he would. He loves to stand up in my lap when you hold him and he is so curious about the world. For heaven sake don’t hold him in such a way that he cannot see out. He gets so fussy and aggravated when you actually sit down to hold him too…he just loves it when you walk around (again so that he can see everything around him!) He is such a funny boy. I think he is going to be a real go-get-er…we are definitely going to have our hand full for sure!
Overnight he graduated from being a blobby infant into an honest-to-goodness baby boy. He’s really developing quite a charming personality, and he blabbers away all day long, talking to the Elmo, talking to the monkey, talking to us and just talking away. Who on earth did he inherit that from? Any guess ..I am not taking any names !!!

And much to our relief, he traded in that awful high-pitched glass-shattering shriek that he found last month for a new cry: now it’s more like an annoyed chirp. Chirp chirp chirp! Why can’t you change my diaper faster?, where’s that damn binky I’ve been asking for?, Why can’t you prepare milk faster ? It’s hard not to just stand back and laugh at him, it’s so cute.

Now that he’s a lot more interactive and we can play together, the days pass so quickly. Between all the chirping, smiling, playing and chatting, Mommy hardly has time for napping. We still have a hard time not staring at him when he take naps. There he is, breathing and dreaming away in his crib or cradle, and We just sit and stare, memorizing your face and all of his sleepy mannerisms. In fact, every time I come home from office he is resting in his craddle with mommy sitting beside ..and when I asks mommy what they did today, and all she can say is “I fell deeper in love with our son”.
The only sad part to this post is he is leavin for India with his mommy to see GRANDPARENTS, well he’s been such a good kid, he deserves it. I will see him in a couple of months !!!three-months2

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Booked the Tickets !!!

Posted by jnitesh on February 28, 2009

Now its been several times we are taking the little man in the car to doctors, temple and shopping. I think he seems to enjoy the change in scenery. However most times he did exactly what we think he would: sleep. Since the good news on his health is out, and with all the green signals from doctors, we thought it will be best to book the tickets to India for the much awaited trip. So grand parents can finally see the “apple of their eyes”.

Of course, once we booked the ticket, we (specially mommy since she will be traveling alone with him) suddenly got very nervous. Very, very nervous. Like, agoraphobic, never-leave-the-house-again nervous. We’re about to become the people we’ve despised and bitched about for many, many trips. The tides have most certainly turned and I am terrified of the fate that lies ahead. The more she thought about the plane ride and the potential meltdowns, the more she shriveled up inside. I am a foolish, brazen, fate-tempter. What was I thinking: a one hour car ride is like a walk around the block compared to a 18 hour plane ride, with a plane change in Newark, Surrounded by strangers. All looking at That Woman with the Ticking Time Bomb. As the time to finally have that plane ride was approaching she ran through every possible reaction in her head to counter the baby-hating passengers: break the ice by handing out ear plugs. Shrug her shoulders and say “Babies! Whatcha gonna do.”. Throw a little guilt their way – “Far be it from me and my tiny son to interrupt your Zagat-rated meal and the Oscar-winning Scary Movie 4!” And if all else fails, just cry when he cries.
In preparation for her journey, we’ve been online researching travel tips and checklists. The amount of stuff this kid is going to need for his trip to India is ridiculous !! But with a baby, I’ve learned quickly that you can never play it too safe. You really do kind of need EVERYTHING for all WHAT-IF scenarios – because they CAN and WILL happen.


Flyingwithkids.com suggested this travel tip: Wear spunky clothes and dark glasses so that other passengers think you are someone famous enjoying quality time with your kids.

That should be easy, let me see ..there should be a plent of place for a few costume changes for “The Mommy”. They should come right after onesies, sleepers, socks, diapers, bath wash, lotion, medicine, the snot sucker, ear swabs, wipes, the binky, rattle, blankets, sheets, bottles, drop-in refills, bibs, a thermometer, receiving towels, disinfectant, a sun hat, jacket, stoller, the birth certificate, books, nail clippers, wash clothes and toys. And that’s just for baby…DO NOT FORGET 1 TON BABY FORMULA !!

Playing costume, you will be lucky to remember to pack your underwear amist this detailed baby pack-up and these people are suggesting dress-up ??? …. I am sure whoever is writing these tips have no kids or never ever have travelled with Kids.

I am sure you all can’t wait to hear about his first plane ride …keep listening !!!

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There is a God and He watches !!!

Posted by jnitesh on February 25, 2009

Today was the day we have been anxiously waiting for two weeks now. However, deep down in a little corner of our heart we thought that this day should never come. Today, Neev went through Bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to look at Neev’s airway through a thin viewing instrument called a bronchoscope for any structural abnormalities. On one hand we wanted this to get done so we can either be relieved or take appropriate diagnosis. On other hand, just the thought of him lying under the big surgical light with no sense, almost destroyed us. In any case 25th Feb came and we reached hospital at 11:30 AM. We couldn’t give him anything to drink except a little pedialyte but he seemed to be OK. Once we were in hospital they changed him to hospital gown, even then he looked so cute. After this they asked to watch for a video about this particular process and what can we expect after the surgery. Once the video was over, the doctor came and explained the same things in a more personal way. Finally, after 10 minutes two nurses came to take our little bubble from us for the surgery. We could hardly control the rush of emotion when they asked to kiss him bye. Nurses took him away and we waited outside. The doctors did tell us that he might not come to senses for 2 hours after the surgery and still be cranky after that. After 20 minutes or so the surgeon came to the sitting launge and showed us some pictures of the airways and passed on the news we wanted to hear for months. Here are his exact words “He is a tough little fella, there is nothing structurally wrong with his airways and he should automatically grow out his breathing problem” …there is a GOD ….we know that ..we know it one more time !!!!
After few minutes, at around 2:20, they called us in to see our “tough little fella”, now as doctors said we were excepting him to be unconscious. We couldn’t believe as we reached the bedside that he was wide awake and staring at the nurse sitting at her side. He saw “The Mommy” and smile at her. It doesn’t take more than that to moisten mommy’s eyes. But all is good, we were in hospital for few more hours and were discharged at around 5 PM. After we came back home, we realized his nose was little pinkish but that was expected also. His poop was really weird too so we called the doctor and that was normal too !!!
What a big relief, now we can finally start working on his trip to India.

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Healthy Parents Needed …Openings Immediately !!

Posted by jnitesh on February 12, 2009

If you found a job opening presented this way, would you ever sign up for this ???
PARENT – Job Description

Mom, Mommy, Mama , Ma
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop

Long term, team players needed, for challenging, permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

The rest of your life.
Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers.
Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects.
Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.
Must be a willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next.
Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product.
Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

None required, unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

Get this! YOU pay THEM! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered, this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.

Forward this on to all the PARENTS you know, in appreciation for everything they do on a daily basis, letting them know they are appreciated for the fabulous job they do…or forward with love to anyone thinking of applying for the job.


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Month 3 done !!

Posted by jnitesh on February 9, 2009

Our little bundle of joy is not little any more, he is already a handful. Today he turned three months old. It’s been a busy with a fair amount of trips and socializing. Let me tell you, just like his Grand-father he is already quite the host, he is wide awake during the visits. So many of our friends have been coming over to meet him. Some of them are really kind to bring some food over, which is a godsend. After a full day of seedy mustardy diapers and cottage cheesy spit-up, the ready to eat and deliciously cooked food is awesome for Vi. He is wearing size 3 month clothing and some of his new born clothing are now tight! He is definitely busting at the snaps in a few of them. It is so sad because We’ve had to put away all of his newborn things. three-months11They say that time flies but I never knew that it was going to be this fast! He is really starting to become more aware of his surroundings and it is so awesome to see him developing more and more every day. He is smiling so much these days and it really does melt my heart every time he cracks one! He is really ticklish under his chin and on his feet…it works every time to get him to smile. Vi and I are loving it…it really makes it rewarding as a parent when your child starts to recognize your face and smiling at you in response! Aside from getting bigger and longer, he’s learning and doing so many new things, like staying awake (well that was never a problem though !!) and alert longer and grabbing with his hands. His favorite grips are either the Gym monkey or his own hair. He is almost running our of his hairs atleast from the front side, sometimes we can even see little blood marks due to the uncut nails. Apparently he has started to realize that his fingers and especially the thumbs, which you love to suck on. It’s completely adorable. He has also discovered a new cry: it’s sharp and goes way up into the Mariah Carey octaves. We can’t seem to figure out what it means, perhaps he might want to become a traffic cop or a puppy trainer.

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Baby #2, seriously?

Posted by jnitesh on February 4, 2009

Few days ago, a friend of mine asked me if I and Vi were planning about Baby #2, seriously???, lets just say he is not yet married and have no kids so we can just forgive his ignorance. We are barely just got this one figured out…I believe in planning but, but good GOD !!! This makes me think there are actually people in this world who love being pregnant and giving birth SO MUCH that they just can’t wait to do it again, like staying on a carnival ride for one more turn while people around you are yelling “once more” Really are you Kidding me !!!
But again there are few people in this world who would really like us to take this ride one more time as soon as possible..
Needless to say we are not planning for Baby #2 just yet. Let us get our balance after this turn on the ride first, and then we can talk. Preferably over a coffee…

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A “Tough” Day at Parenting

Posted by jnitesh on January 28, 2009

a-tough-2It is not that we didn’t appreciate our parents enough, we love them nearly and nearly but the sense of appreciation grows with every sleepless nights we spend with Neev. In our case its mostly Vi (“The Mommy”) who is awake to take care of the little night watchman. So “Mr. Internet”, go hug your mom right away. If she’s not nearby, grab the nearest lady to you who looks like she might be a mom, and give her one of those pick-you-up-off-the-floor bear hugs. I don’t care if you know her or not, do it. And do it now. Because chances are, at one point or maybe many points, she’s had a day like we’ve had today. And a hug helps. So does a bouquet of flowers. And, some chocolate.

God …Oh….God !!!

a-toughAnyone who dares to say being a stay at home mom isn’t a job should be immediately castrated. It is incredibly hard work. Possibly the hardest, beyond like, conducting a brain surgery or delivering one of those Optus D1 geosynchronous (GEO) communications satellite in the space or for that matter saving the troubled global economy right now. Neev was just…inconsolable today, almost the entire day, and we are just exhausted. We really are !! Vi has learned his cries at this point and have them down to a pitch/frequency/amplitude and resonance (for those overly-occupied who didn’t pay enough attention in school these are terms related to science). But knowing which cry it is doesn’t mean we can stop it. Man did we try. What keeps us from walking away for a few minutes or letting him cry it out in his crib is that as frustrated as weare, We know Neev is just as frustrated if not more, and he truly makes the saddest face in the entire world. His bottom lip quivers, his eyebrows furrow like “why me!?” and he just…cries. So hard that his face gets beet red and there’s no sound between the gasps of air. You know that cry? It’s heart-breaking. We can’t just let him keep making that face, well I can for a little bit but not dear mommy… So she bounce and walk laps around our home, she sing and pull out every trick in the book until something, anything works.

After the worst parts of today, between all the screaming, sad faces and restless naps, we finally got Neev to fall asleep for a little while and started thinking of all our favorite things about him, like the way he folds his hands in his lap while we feed him, or his hot little yawns in our face. They worked wonder.

As hard as today was we know that this newborn phase is temporary, so we try to let days like today roll off our back. I also know that eventually the days will become much more manageable. In the meantime, we have hugs, and we have wine. And all those hot little yawns.

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How is parenting Life Treating you ??

Posted by jnitesh on January 23, 2009

Its now almost a ritual for friends and co-workers to check on the parenting life treating us. In simple words Parenthood has no sense of predictability or rationale, sooner you accepts this, better it is for you. Parenthood is incredible, hard, lovely, and totally overwhelming. I liked to plan things out but for now we are slowly dealing with our plan-less plan for what we should be doing with Neev. No book, or friend, or family member, or nurse, or weekly email will tell me how to calm him down or why we can’t get that burp bubble out or what he wants because every baby is unique and something which applies to one might have almost no relevance to other. So the plan is to go with the flow, and slowly crack the code “Neev”. Every night we still get nervous as we get ready for sleep, not knowing when the little chunky-munkey is going to wake up. But it’s getting better. Or, rather, we’re getting used to living our life a little differently. And every time Neev smiles at me or even just focuses on our faces, we feel like world is whole lot better !!!.



Everybody tells you that parenting teaches you a lot and we have our share of lesson the one I learned very recently is an important one “The people who love you the most will inevitably, at some point in your life, shit and piss on you. I’m speaking literally here…by the soft glow of a night light…with a smile on their face. And I’m not talking about Vi”

Here’s the thing, though: it might seem dumb to try to cling on to our former lives, obviously we have to make adjustments, but I don’t think parenthood should bring everything to a screeching halt. Having living this for almost 3 months now I don’t think we could stop it even if we tried. More and more we are finding opportunities to head out, like caged wild animals, Neev in his car seat, bracing for whatever might happen to happen. Life goes on, babies cry and bangs get cut. We’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.

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