A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for September, 2008

Baby Shower Invitation

Posted by jnitesh on September 30, 2008

Isn’t this the cutest card …We found only one pack in our closest Hallmark ..but everybody liked it so much that we called all the nearby Hallmarks and managed to found 4 packs …Prashant is going to have fun writing all of them !!!!

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Week 33

Posted by jnitesh on September 29, 2008

It is now week 33 and I am still amazed how fast the time is going. Seven more weeks to go so that mean only 49 more days left until the big day! Yippy! We can’t wait…everyday we feel like we are more and more (or perhaps less and less) ready for D-Day to arrive. The preparation for the bay shower is picking up. We visited Bombay sitar yesterday and discussed the menu with Ragu (owner cum chef).
Final lunch menu as of today

Ras Malai
Samosa and Veggie Pakora
Saffron Pulao
Chili-Cheese, Navratan Korma (Mix Vegies) and Tarka Daal (Lentils)
Sounds yummy !!!
It makes me nervous to think that we haven’t even started the shopping yet, well we visited several stores over last few weeks but didn’t really buy anything. Thanks to Manisha we have our registery up at Burlington, which is kind of nice since its only few block away from us and we can visit several times if needed. So far we have postponed the shopping mainly sue to the gifts we get in the baby shower. We are expecting a big crowd in the baby shower…it will be fun ..
Looking at the mom, it certainly feels as the baby weighs much more than 4.5 lbs, but the books/doctor/internet has to be true. The baby, perhaps is aroud 4-5 lbs and approximately 16-18 inch in height. The little one is getting cuter and pudgier every minute as he/she pile on the baby fat for those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. I can surely tell by the kicks that the baby is getting stronger every day. Its funny that now I can almost see some imprints on her belly as the baby kicks. Other day Manisha was trying to feel the movement and I think she did..but only once. Its like the baby is teasing you ..he/she will kick several time when you are not looking and if you concentrate on the belly to see it ..nothing there…but it’s a neat experience.
We are waiting anxiously for the baby hiccups..Other day Doctor mentioned that good strong hiccups means that the baby’s lungs are working great, and he/she is preparing him/herself for breathing air. The baby also swallow amniotic fluid as well, which is okay since it just passes through their system harmlessly. Mom’s sugar level is ok for the most part except after supper. We met doctor on last Friday and he decide to give another 2 weeks to see how it looks. Sometime she does crave a lot for the sweet stuff and tries to cheat the system. I (and so does the doctor) am particularly happy about the fasting sugar, turns aout that is the most important one. Overall doctor didn’t look too concern which is always a good sign.

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