A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for October 22nd, 2008

Hospital Bag and Crib

Posted by jnitesh on October 22, 2008

Finally we decided to have our hospital bag packed, we realized that we didn’t have everything we need for first few days after the baby arrives and for moms hospital stay. We made some long trips to Burlington to buy everything we need. When we started to pack it felt like we are going for a month long trip. Seriously, I didn’t knew that we are going to need so much ..I always thought that all you need is a whole bunch of diapers and you are good to go .. Ugh!! We packed everything which Mom is going to need and almost everything what little kiddo is going to need. Few more thing for the baby (which we have in the house) but just need to make sure that we put them in the bag.
The biggest accomplishment this weekend was to put together the crib I had a great feelling while I was working on it. Mom helped me a lot. We had a lot of fun ..specially when I got stuck and mom figured out ..what is the next step. Finally when everything was assembled and we looked at it … it brought a flood of emotions. During the pregnancy, waiting moms have nothing real to hang onto. It’s the little things like painting a room and putting up a crib that they can hang onto. I could see Mom could no wait to hold the baby
Mom and I have also been nesting (ie, cleaning, washing)– The room is piled with a lot of stuff we bought and got from the baby shower. We started dividing them in two categories, one which we will need right away and one which we will need after the baby’s arrival to the home. We are holding on to the purchase which are color sensitive until after finishing out the gender. While I am at work Mom is washing got all the onesies and blankets to swaddle the baby at a moment’s notice. We are getting ready..it feels good …all we need is the little peanut. Well no hurry, though, just get here when you’re ready.

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