A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Week 38

Posted by jnitesh on November 4, 2008

Week # 38 is behind us which means Today “Vi” celebrates her 39th weeks of pregnancy, what this actually means that we are now officially in the home stretch and little one can pop any moment now. And yes …Small chunky munky is still in there. He/She’s increasingly cramped, which makes Vi’s belly dancing. I am sure Vi knows a little bit of belly dancing but in this case its her belly which is dancing. 39th week..wow, it is finally starting to hit me…. It is so hard to comprehend that in a few short weeks (hopefully) we’ll have a little person to look after – and if I had a fiver (or even a measly euro) for everyone who said that soon I’ll really know what a fun it is, I could start a college fund to send the child to Harvard ! However so far, the kid seems to be staying in, and happy about it. I am a little afraid that very soon he/she’s going to start ordering Chinese for delivery to his little house. On second thought he already is, that’s why Vi keeps having these cravings. However, there are some signs…, don’t get me wrong, there’s some very early labor stuff going on – she is crampy and all, and her back aches like Hell sometimes, so I figure her cervix is probably progressing some more, but I am not sure id he/she has dropped all the way into her pelvis. Last we checked, the baby’s head is still down..I wonder how the baby knows when to drop…. is it his choice or the gravity plays a big role in this or is it both. Perhaps a good problem to look into !!!
All the preparation is complete but still in its most basic form. We’ve now got sterilizers, blankets, baby clothes, hats and stuff. Vi spent last weekend washing and ironing these items. The second room is still a mess and I guess we will not be able to clean it out until baby is home as we have no idea on what little bubble is going to need once he/she gets home.
Good wife keeps finding it hard every day to maneuver every day I feel more useless just watching her. I can’t do anything to make the itching stop or the swelling go down – what little I can do in the line of comforting her is, I’m sure, nothing to what she is going through. Even though, I am religiously massaging her belly with coco butter at every opportunity I can. Test results for one thing and another have all come back clear and the doctor’s, in so far as they can tell, are happy.
Oh yeah!! We went to University of Akron Deewali function Saturday. Dee and Moni was there too. I thought the student put a decent show. There were few slides describing “what india is” and few dance performances. We enjoyed it ..the food was decent but we were so hungry by that time that it didn’t matter. Guess what..I used my new camcorder to record the dance performances, it came out really nice. Towards the end they had dance floor open and I can tell baby wanted to dance. They played some really great songs.
Sunday we saw “Lakeview Terrace” at Regal Theatre. In almost every way, its is a pretty typical Sam Jackson movie. Furious ..intense !! The movie is about a young interracial couple who move to California into their first home get increasingly harassed by their next-door neighbor, a tightly wound black LAPD officer. The story basically revolves around the officer picc**ing them off until the guy finally decides to take things into his own hand and take care of the business. The acting was spot on. While driving back we were talking about what would we do if we have a annoying neighbor like him …. Probably move!!!


Baby is continuously gaining weight with increasing fat deposits to control his/her body temperature. He/She might weigh between 6 and 9 pounds now and is 18 to 22 inches in length. They say that boys do tend to weigh heavier than girls. Mom, as I said, is getting extremely uncomfortable now, as baby’s feet extend into her ribs. The weight of your baby is taking a toll on her back, legs, and bladder. There is still some swelling in the feet which I guess have something to do with blood circulation and being farther from the heart…..Can you believe it ..Just another few days and the world would change for the better. The house would look different and sound different and his/her sounds would fill the dull surroundings !!! wow ..

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