A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for December, 2008

“Sleeping Crisis” or the “Crisis Who Won’t Sleep”

Posted by jnitesh on December 28, 2008

Out little monster is having some serious sleeping issues. He is hardly sleeping 10 hours, but according to books he should be sleeping 16 hours. sleepingHe is such a restless fellow in sleep and even when awake. Whoever comes to see him notices this in few minutes. His unusual sleeping habits are taking toll on our sleeps. Its going to be worst when the vacations are over and I have to go back to work. A word of advice for all you “wanna-be-parents”, the theory that sleep when your baby sleep is a bunch of bull…it is so far from reality that its not even funny. If we were to sleep when baby is sleeping when would we do things which are necessary for us to survive like cook, eat, pee, poop, laundry, socialize and what not !! Above all aren’t we suppose to keep an eye on the dude himself so that he doesn’t end up having his cap on his nose !! For all I know every time somebody is going to use the phrase “slept like a baby” is going to get a deep look from me that’s the biggest oxymoron on the face of the earth. We are planning to check with doctor on what we should do. For now we have questions as to “ Is it okay for the kid to sleep in the cradle as that seem to be only friend we got right now ??”, “ Is it okay to let the baby cry for sometime even though you have to put a 100 ton stone on your heart ??”
I and my dear son have been in situation where the dude has been up for 6 hours with periphery of the eyes being completely pink indicating the desperate need of some sleep. The monster completely discard the suggestion from his body and rather is interested in play “Who Will Sleep First” with no intention of loosing. As the clock is ticking eventually somebody goes to sleep and most times that is ME. Many people have given us ideas on taking him on a ride or putting him on a running drier but we haven’t yet tried any of them. I and Vi already had our fair share of discssion on these topics and we have tried letting him cry it out but it ha not worked so far !!
But for now we both just dream of the days when we hardly even have to rock him help you fall asleep. The day when we will lay him in the crib and he will grab his blanket and snuggle right into it. Dreams does come true !!

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Crap Will Be Crap !!

Posted by jnitesh on December 27, 2008

musica_mobileThis was one of the most useless god damn piece of Chinese crap; God forbid if they will ever make anything which will last/perform decently. I hate to say this but I am not even sure if they even have a concept called quality. I know you all must be thinking if I am so mad why did I buy Chinese. My answer to that will be where the hack I go to find things which are not made in china !!! The worst part is little chunky-munky just got used to it and started to enjoy it but so much for that dream. It not only broke but hurt my finger badly while I was trying to turn the freaking knob.

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Christmas Wishes

Posted by jnitesh on December 25, 2008

I, Vi and little Neev wish you all the very best this holiday season. Whatever you may believe and wherever you may end up, be safe, and enjoy that holiday festivities. I am going to be off from work until 5th January so it will be nice to enjoy some father-son bonding while Vi gets a much awaited break (If you call it a break :))


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Santa ..Not for Me !!

Posted by jnitesh on December 22, 2008

We took our little man to see the Santa other day but he could not have been less interested. Everybody there was so nice but expression on his face was like “whatever!!”. By the way, please don’t think that he is sleeping ..he is wide awake…just making faces !! I don’t know what to think of that …may be its not such a bad thing as I can now say No Santa-No Gifts


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The Poop Dilemma

Posted by jnitesh on December 21, 2008

Little monkey is pooping regularly now, I guess it was the Lipil which was making him “no go”. The boy would sit there and make all kind of face but poop would not pass. However, with the Prosobee formula he pooping like there is no tomorrow. I am kidding it was bad earlier but now its getting better he poops around 4-5 times a day and averages around 6-7 pees a day. It does makes me happy and relieved just knowing that his system is in check. Its funny we kept a poop/pee/feeding log in the beginning and showed it to the doctor. We are not keeping log any more. Peculiar thing about the poop is that he creates a lot of fuss while having one, While applying pressure he is really fussy. I guess he doesn’t like the feeling of being muddy down there. Unlike poop, pee doesn’t provide the same rush. However, on two occasions he caught us unguarded and pooped right one me during diaper change. I was actually proud as if its medal of honor. 

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A picture Worth Thousand Words

Posted by jnitesh on December 18, 2008

I knew Chinese are/were very smart ….see the Chinese proverb in action !!



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Postpartum Care

Posted by jnitesh on December 15, 2008

when-not-to-measure-painWhile little chunky-munkey has completely consumed out lives don’t forget that Vi just went through a life time of changes physically. She is still in pain and I am so disappointed to share that the people at the clinic who were so friendly and nice (including doctors) before pregnancy are equally nasty and unpleasant now. So she had this pain for few days and finally decided to give a call at clinic on Thursday afternoon upon which the nurse said she will run it by our doctor and
get back to us as soon as possible. We waited and waited until Friday 3:50 PM (just before the clinic closes for the weekend) and no call back !! Finally I lost it and gave a call to the clinics asking why nobody has gotten back to us so far, I was told that the they could locate the doctor in last two days. Now I have two problem with this, First, the very fact we go to a clinic instead of an individual doctor because we want to make sure that incase a particular doctor is not available the other doctors in the practice can help. Second, even if you couldn’t locate the doctor its naturally expected that the nurse would call back (remember this is 2 days already) telling that she is trying her best to find a doctor. After a moment of realization these two point the nurse called back in few minutes asking that the doctor has asked that we should go for an ultrasound on Monday and gave us the appointment. Vi still think that I shouldn’t have got called but I think its their job to at the least give us the status, that’s their job. God forbid if I were to screw up on my job I am sure to have my a*s kicked !!
In any case, I am reluctant to change my opinion of the practice just because of this one incident and therefore decided against publishing the name of the practice/clinic but incase anybody wants to know I will be happy to send them a mail. After all I strongly feel its my responsibility !!

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First Month Birtday

Posted by jnitesh on December 10, 2008

neev_1stmonth_poojaCan you believe its one month already.. Yes, My little man turned one month yesterday! The best part of it was that when I came home from work he was wide awake was starring at me as he was ready for some party time. I wanted to get a little cake and let him paw at it, but we thought taking him to the temple will be the best. It was raining heavily but we really wanted to have his first “Darshan” on his first birthday. We drove to the temple which took approximately 40 minutes, got some Prasad in the mean time. By the time we were parking outside temple he was hungry and crying so we fed him in the car for the first time right outside the temple. We went inside and found Bharat Bhai who did a Pooja and quickly told us his astrological signs from a software installed in his blackberry. However the real adventure didn’t started until we were about to step out from the temple. The little neev_poop_templeone started to make strange faces and soon there was peculiar smell around him. So we decided to change him and guess what he pooped the hack out. And just when we thought he finished his business he pooped some more and this time even his dress got dirty. Thank god Vi was smart enough to carry an extra set of dress. After our little venture inside the temple we couldn’t resist the urge to have some nice indian food and headed to Jaipur Junction. The food was delicious and quantity was great. We had Papri Chat, Chola Bhatura, Paneer Curry and Naan. While I was waiting for the food Vi went next door to the Krishna store and got some Indian groceries. He kept sleeping in the car seat but as we were finishing up the little monster signaled that he was hungry but we had not extra milk so we rushed home but there is a 40 minute ride. Thankfully the little guy went to sleep right away.
It was a rocky trip but end of the day it felt good that we could take him to the temple. The first month is over and we are looking forward to next one already. His first month was so exciting, and everything was new to us, we noticed every single details of him, and our lives changed a lot because of the arrival of this little boy but I am sure the next month will have a whole new set of adventures.
Let me not forget this ..the gift we got from Neev this past month is that I Vi I have really shaped a great partnership trying to figure the little guy out. Vi was always great with kids but I learned to change diapers, learned the best swaddling techniques, figured the best way to bottle feed and burp. Man ..I am into this stuff now !! I always thought we made an excellent team, but we are really in such a smooth phase now. After all there is a benefit of nobody being here from India. We three are trying to work with each other and everyday gets a little better than the past one. We understand you more, more and some more !!!

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Growth Chart

Posted by jnitesh on December 8, 2008

For all you curious souls …Here is the update on the weight and height of the little chunky-monkey
Date Measured : 12/08/2008
Weight: 7 Lbs & 13 OZs (10th percentile)
Height: 21.5 Inches (50th percentile)
As you can see he is one tall skinny baby :))chart_dec_8_20081

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First Collage for the Little Guy

Posted by jnitesh on December 4, 2008

As you can see this is just my first attempt, Please stand by to see more !!


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