A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for December 10th, 2008

First Month Birtday

Posted by jnitesh on December 10, 2008

neev_1stmonth_poojaCan you believe its one month already.. Yes, My little man turned one month yesterday! The best part of it was that when I came home from work he was wide awake was starring at me as he was ready for some party time. I wanted to get a little cake and let him paw at it, but we thought taking him to the temple will be the best. It was raining heavily but we really wanted to have his first “Darshan” on his first birthday. We drove to the temple which took approximately 40 minutes, got some Prasad in the mean time. By the time we were parking outside temple he was hungry and crying so we fed him in the car for the first time right outside the temple. We went inside and found Bharat Bhai who did a Pooja and quickly told us his astrological signs from a software installed in his blackberry. However the real adventure didn’t started until we were about to step out from the temple. The little neev_poop_templeone started to make strange faces and soon there was peculiar smell around him. So we decided to change him and guess what he pooped the hack out. And just when we thought he finished his business he pooped some more and this time even his dress got dirty. Thank god Vi was smart enough to carry an extra set of dress. After our little venture inside the temple we couldn’t resist the urge to have some nice indian food and headed to Jaipur Junction. The food was delicious and quantity was great. We had Papri Chat, Chola Bhatura, Paneer Curry and Naan. While I was waiting for the food Vi went next door to the Krishna store and got some Indian groceries. He kept sleeping in the car seat but as we were finishing up the little monster signaled that he was hungry but we had not extra milk so we rushed home but there is a 40 minute ride. Thankfully the little guy went to sleep right away.
It was a rocky trip but end of the day it felt good that we could take him to the temple. The first month is over and we are looking forward to next one already. His first month was so exciting, and everything was new to us, we noticed every single details of him, and our lives changed a lot because of the arrival of this little boy but I am sure the next month will have a whole new set of adventures.
Let me not forget this ..the gift we got from Neev this past month is that I Vi I have really shaped a great partnership trying to figure the little guy out. Vi was always great with kids but I learned to change diapers, learned the best swaddling techniques, figured the best way to bottle feed and burp. Man ..I am into this stuff now !! I always thought we made an excellent team, but we are really in such a smooth phase now. After all there is a benefit of nobody being here from India. We three are trying to work with each other and everyday gets a little better than the past one. We understand you more, more and some more !!!

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