A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for December 15th, 2008

Postpartum Care

Posted by jnitesh on December 15, 2008

when-not-to-measure-painWhile little chunky-munkey has completely consumed out lives don’t forget that Vi just went through a life time of changes physically. She is still in pain and I am so disappointed to share that the people at the clinic who were so friendly and nice (including doctors) before pregnancy are equally nasty and unpleasant now. So she had this pain for few days and finally decided to give a call at clinic on Thursday afternoon upon which the nurse said she will run it by our doctor and
get back to us as soon as possible. We waited and waited until Friday 3:50 PM (just before the clinic closes for the weekend) and no call back !! Finally I lost it and gave a call to the clinics asking why nobody has gotten back to us so far, I was told that the they could locate the doctor in last two days. Now I have two problem with this, First, the very fact we go to a clinic instead of an individual doctor because we want to make sure that incase a particular doctor is not available the other doctors in the practice can help. Second, even if you couldn’t locate the doctor its naturally expected that the nurse would call back (remember this is 2 days already) telling that she is trying her best to find a doctor. After a moment of realization these two point the nurse called back in few minutes asking that the doctor has asked that we should go for an ultrasound on Monday and gave us the appointment. Vi still think that I shouldn’t have got called but I think its their job to at the least give us the status, that’s their job. God forbid if I were to screw up on my job I am sure to have my a*s kicked !!
In any case, I am reluctant to change my opinion of the practice just because of this one incident and therefore decided against publishing the name of the practice/clinic but incase anybody wants to know I will be happy to send them a mail. After all I strongly feel its my responsibility !!

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