A Tiny-Little Love Bite

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Archive for December 21st, 2008

The Poop Dilemma

Posted by jnitesh on December 21, 2008

Little monkey is pooping regularly now, I guess it was the Lipil which was making him “no go”. The boy would sit there and make all kind of face but poop would not pass. However, with the Prosobee formula he pooping like there is no tomorrow. I am kidding it was bad earlier but now its getting better he poops around 4-5 times a day and averages around 6-7 pees a day. It does makes me happy and relieved just knowing that his system is in check. Its funny we kept a poop/pee/feeding log in the beginning and showed it to the doctor. We are not keeping log any more. Peculiar thing about the poop is that he creates a lot of fuss while having one, While applying pressure he is really fussy. I guess he doesn’t like the feeling of being muddy down there. Unlike poop, pee doesn’t provide the same rush. However, on two occasions he caught us unguarded and pooped right one me during diaper change. I was actually proud as if its medal of honor. 

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