A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for December 27th, 2008

Crap Will Be Crap !!

Posted by jnitesh on December 27, 2008

musica_mobileThis was one of the most useless god damn piece of Chinese crap; God forbid if they will ever make anything which will last/perform decently. I hate to say this but I am not even sure if they even have a concept called quality. I know you all must be thinking if I am so mad why did I buy Chinese. My answer to that will be where the hack I go to find things which are not made in china !!! The worst part is little chunky-munky just got used to it and started to enjoy it but so much for that dream. It not only broke but hurt my finger badly while I was trying to turn the freaking knob.

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