A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for January 7th, 2009

Posted by jnitesh on January 7, 2009

I came across these lines in a book and found it really interesting ..

Men may work from Sun to Sun…But Women’s work is never done

Here is what The Econmist has to say about this

…..Throughout the world, men spend more time on market work, while women spend more time on homework. In the United States and other rich countries, men average 5.2 hours of market work a day and 2.7 hours of homework each day, while women average 3.4 hours of market work and 4.5 hours of homework per day. Adding these up, men work an average of 7.9 hours per day, while women work an average of—drum roll, please—7.9 hours per day. This is the first major finding of the new study. Whatever you may have heard on The View, when these economists accounted for market work and homework, men and women spent about the same amount of time each day working. The averages sound low because they include weekends and are based on a sample of adults that included stay-at-home parents as well as working ones, and other adults.

Does this prove that feminists are wrong to say that women are oppressed by housework? Not necessarily. If men get to have high-powered jobs that women don’t have time for because they’re too busy scrubbing out the soap scum in the bathroom, this seems like it’s still a problem. Moreover, one wonders if there are differences in the way that men and women describe, say, child care: do men regard taking the children to the movies as “babysitting” work, while women regard it as leisure? Still the results can’t automatically be dismissed, and they are surprising even if not as strong as they first appear.

Whoever says whatever ..God Bless My wife Vi’s heart, she works tireless all day with no complains at all. Now you guys know I can be a mess and with a little one on top on that (who is even messier) ..that is hard..that is some real goddamn work !!womwork

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