A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for January 10th, 2009

Month 2 Done !!

Posted by jnitesh on January 10, 2009

month_21Our little prince is 8 weeks old…Two Months…can you believe it??? Time is flying by and our prince is growing up so fast before our very eyes. We are having a heck of a adventure in parenting and poor Neev is the brunt of our ignorance and eureka moments!
He is seriously growing we were at the the pediatrician last Friday and He is already 9 pounds 11 ounces !!!! That’s a gain of over 3 pounds. He is also approximately 23 inch tall. It is amazing!!! Everything else looked great health wise and yes there were vaccine shots involved but we will talk about it in a separate post. He is doing excellent with his eating and pooping…the only problem right now seems to be the sleeping but he has trained mommy very well by now so she is not complaining!!
He is so cute during his “awake-time”…for the most part he will lie in his cradles seat and stare everything his eyes can catch. He is really fascinated by the center light and does not miss a single opportunity to state at that. Last month he caused a lot of fuss everytime we tried to give him a massage, now he seems to love it. We are surprised by the fact that our little guys can lift and hold his head so steadily. He also seems to know that we like his little movements so he never misses an opportunity to impress us. His staring, his farts, his smile and his crying ..everything is so cute …we love it…
Neev has became the only focal point of our life not too mention our favorite hobby and topic of discussion. Have you ever met those ..yes those who can’t talk about anything else except their kid, the ones we all used to laugh at. I am proud to admit that I am now in that group too…I am sure with this rate people will start to hide if they see me in the hallway. Part of the reason we can’t stop talking because the little monkey seems different every day. As if the God is fine-tuning your looks like he would a radio, trying to get that one perfectly clear frequency to come through. His mood, his schedule and his signals/expression changes every day, and just when we think we cracked the code, he switches it up on us again.
Well things are altering almost daily and I don’t think we can take enough pictures or videos to capture them all. We feel so blessed with such a great baby and we pray that he continues to be happy and healthy. We can’t believe that not before too long Neev will be laughing and smiling at us and soon he will be sitting up and not long after that he will be crawling! Times flies all to fast these days…I am just glad that we are here and able to soak up every moment with our precious baby.

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