A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Neev in Hospital …

Posted by jnitesh on January 11, 2009

It was Neev’s 2 month check-up and everything looked great except his heavy breathing, which we initially thought was just congestion, is started to bother us. We explained our concerned to the doctor and thankfully he suggested that since this has been going on for our 2 months and we should go to emergency and get him checked. So we headed to the Emergency right from the doctor’s office. We were in emergency at around 6 PM, they did a preliminary check by x-rays etc but nothing showed anything wrong. The doctors then decided to monitor him overnight and conduct more test in the morning. We were assigned a room by 10 PM. What broke our heart was that the little boy would not be able to eat anything until doctor checks him back in the morning. If this was not enough we were also told that he has to be inserted an IV to make sure he is getting the proper nutrients. I was pretty sure mommy would not be able to see piece of her heart getting poked by needles so she stayed back and I took her to a different room to insert the IV. He cried, he cried a lot but I got to tell you, what a brave boy. We came back to the room and he was calm in a little bit…thank to his binky !! Vi decided to stay in the hospital I came back to home at around 11:30 to open my fast.
Next morning 6:30 AM they did a test called Upper-GI where they feed barium sulfate to the baby and take x-ray image continuously. Once the results of upper GI came back the doctors figured that he was having significant acid reflux and that, perhaps, was causing irritation in the throat and hence the heavy breathing. The doctors advised that we mix some rice cereals in his milk to thicken it which should reduce the reflux. The doctors also advised to hold him straight after every feeding for few minutes. After the upper GI he was given milk…he loved it J. They were continuously monitoring his oxygen which was normal also. This was huge that even when he was breathing heavy his oxygen content was OK. We felt so depresses seeing him lying in the hospital crib, after all he is a little kid. He should be laughing, crying and making fuss not lie in a hospital bed …However we were glad that it was nothing serious. We were able to find a cradle in the hospital which made life a lot easier. Vi slept in the hospital that night too and I came home sleep. Next day afternoon we were discharged from the hospital…that was a relief.


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