A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Vi Eligible for NASCAR

Posted by jnitesh on January 18, 2009

ctrp_0601_01_znascar_pit_crewAs you all know, I work for a company which provides an important component for NASCAR. I follow the races very closely, for obvious reason . I am most fascinated by the act of pit crews who need to change tires, put oil and gas and adjust structure with in 12-14 seconds. They are like a bunch of robots with every move fast and predictable to utmost precision. Put that in context and now watch Vi, she is none less than any of the pit crews the only difference is that she is taking care of a living and breathing baby unlike a car like them.

Deep in the night when the little monkey start rumbling for his next pit stop (I am sorry for his next feeding) from his bed. Momy’s hormones kicks and adrenaline rushes. He’s on his way to waking up and will be ready to eat. it’s a matter of seconds before he breaks out a squeal that can make anybody’s stomach turn. But before that happens Vi acts with a lightening speed..

Step 1: Go downstairs and warm the water.
Step 2: Add formula in the warm water.
Step 3: Add rice cereals in the milk.
Step 4: Take the bottle upstairs
Step 5: Go to bathroom.
Step 6: Prepare the changing area
Step 7: Get diaper and wipes out .
Step 8: Get Neev out of his crib and put him down for a diaper change.
Step 9:.Unhook 100 buttons to finally reveal his diaper, then change it.
Step 10: Clean and change the diaper
Step 11: Snap the 100 buttons (Little monster is on the verge of a meltdown at this point.)
Step 12: Throw the dirty diaper in the disposal
Step 13: Arrange the boppy pillow and put him for feeding
Step 14: Pick up bottle and insert into his mouth.
Sigh. Success. Only a little crying spells she wins again!

I am not at all wrong in comparing her to the pit crews, perhaps she can work for NASCAR once Neev is all grown up !!

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