A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for January 23rd, 2009

How is parenting Life Treating you ??

Posted by jnitesh on January 23, 2009

Its now almost a ritual for friends and co-workers to check on the parenting life treating us. In simple words Parenthood has no sense of predictability or rationale, sooner you accepts this, better it is for you. Parenthood is incredible, hard, lovely, and totally overwhelming. I liked to plan things out but for now we are slowly dealing with our plan-less plan for what we should be doing with Neev. No book, or friend, or family member, or nurse, or weekly email will tell me how to calm him down or why we can’t get that burp bubble out or what he wants because every baby is unique and something which applies to one might have almost no relevance to other. So the plan is to go with the flow, and slowly crack the code “Neev”. Every night we still get nervous as we get ready for sleep, not knowing when the little chunky-munkey is going to wake up. But it’s getting better. Or, rather, we’re getting used to living our life a little differently. And every time Neev smiles at me or even just focuses on our faces, we feel like world is whole lot better !!!.



Everybody tells you that parenting teaches you a lot and we have our share of lesson the one I learned very recently is an important one “The people who love you the most will inevitably, at some point in your life, shit and piss on you. I’m speaking literally here…by the soft glow of a night light…with a smile on their face. And I’m not talking about Vi”

Here’s the thing, though: it might seem dumb to try to cling on to our former lives, obviously we have to make adjustments, but I don’t think parenthood should bring everything to a screeching halt. Having living this for almost 3 months now I don’t think we could stop it even if we tried. More and more we are finding opportunities to head out, like caged wild animals, Neev in his car seat, bracing for whatever might happen to happen. Life goes on, babies cry and bangs get cut. We’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.

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