A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Month 3 done !!

Posted by jnitesh on February 9, 2009

Our little bundle of joy is not little any more, he is already a handful. Today he turned three months old. It’s been a busy with a fair amount of trips and socializing. Let me tell you, just like his Grand-father he is already quite the host, he is wide awake during the visits. So many of our friends have been coming over to meet him. Some of them are really kind to bring some food over, which is a godsend. After a full day of seedy mustardy diapers and cottage cheesy spit-up, the ready to eat and deliciously cooked food is awesome for Vi. He is wearing size 3 month clothing and some of his new born clothing are now tight! He is definitely busting at the snaps in a few of them. It is so sad because We’ve had to put away all of his newborn things. three-months11They say that time flies but I never knew that it was going to be this fast! He is really starting to become more aware of his surroundings and it is so awesome to see him developing more and more every day. He is smiling so much these days and it really does melt my heart every time he cracks one! He is really ticklish under his chin and on his feet…it works every time to get him to smile. Vi and I are loving it…it really makes it rewarding as a parent when your child starts to recognize your face and smiling at you in response! Aside from getting bigger and longer, he’s learning and doing so many new things, like staying awake (well that was never a problem though !!) and alert longer and grabbing with his hands. His favorite grips are either the Gym monkey or his own hair. He is almost running our of his hairs atleast from the front side, sometimes we can even see little blood marks due to the uncut nails. Apparently he has started to realize that his fingers and especially the thumbs, which you love to suck on. It’s completely adorable. He has also discovered a new cry: it’s sharp and goes way up into the Mariah Carey octaves. We can’t seem to figure out what it means, perhaps he might want to become a traffic cop or a puppy trainer.

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