A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

There is a God and He watches !!!

Posted by jnitesh on February 25, 2009

Today was the day we have been anxiously waiting for two weeks now. However, deep down in a little corner of our heart we thought that this day should never come. Today, Neev went through Bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to look at Neev’s airway through a thin viewing instrument called a bronchoscope for any structural abnormalities. On one hand we wanted this to get done so we can either be relieved or take appropriate diagnosis. On other hand, just the thought of him lying under the big surgical light with no sense, almost destroyed us. In any case 25th Feb came and we reached hospital at 11:30 AM. We couldn’t give him anything to drink except a little pedialyte but he seemed to be OK. Once we were in hospital they changed him to hospital gown, even then he looked so cute. After this they asked to watch for a video about this particular process and what can we expect after the surgery. Once the video was over, the doctor came and explained the same things in a more personal way. Finally, after 10 minutes two nurses came to take our little bubble from us for the surgery. We could hardly control the rush of emotion when they asked to kiss him bye. Nurses took him away and we waited outside. The doctors did tell us that he might not come to senses for 2 hours after the surgery and still be cranky after that. After 20 minutes or so the surgeon came to the sitting launge and showed us some pictures of the airways and passed on the news we wanted to hear for months. Here are his exact words “He is a tough little fella, there is nothing structurally wrong with his airways and he should automatically grow out his breathing problem” …there is a GOD ….we know that ..we know it one more time !!!!
After few minutes, at around 2:20, they called us in to see our “tough little fella”, now as doctors said we were excepting him to be unconscious. We couldn’t believe as we reached the bedside that he was wide awake and staring at the nurse sitting at her side. He saw “The Mommy” and smile at her. It doesn’t take more than that to moisten mommy’s eyes. But all is good, we were in hospital for few more hours and were discharged at around 5 PM. After we came back home, we realized his nose was little pinkish but that was expected also. His poop was really weird too so we called the doctor and that was normal too !!!
What a big relief, now we can finally start working on his trip to India.

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