A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Month 4 done !!

Posted by jnitesh on March 7, 2009

4qbirthdayIn a couple of days Neev will turn 4 months old. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by.. I swear that was the fastest four months of my life !! Looking back at all of the pictures that we have taken of Neev (it’s well over a 1000 now, literally!) it is amazing how much he has changed. He has gotten bigger, stronger, more active, and discovered so much of the world around him, and We have savored every minute watching him.

He is such a chunky monkey now. He weighs almost 14 pounds now and mommy’s back back could attest for that! He is so big and so strong. He holds his head up really well these days and if he could stand up on his own I think he would. He loves to stand up in my lap when you hold him and he is so curious about the world. For heaven sake don’t hold him in such a way that he cannot see out. He gets so fussy and aggravated when you actually sit down to hold him too…he just loves it when you walk around (again so that he can see everything around him!) He is such a funny boy. I think he is going to be a real go-get-er…we are definitely going to have our hand full for sure!
Overnight he graduated from being a blobby infant into an honest-to-goodness baby boy. He’s really developing quite a charming personality, and he blabbers away all day long, talking to the Elmo, talking to the monkey, talking to us and just talking away. Who on earth did he inherit that from? Any guess ..I am not taking any names !!!

And much to our relief, he traded in that awful high-pitched glass-shattering shriek that he found last month for a new cry: now it’s more like an annoyed chirp. Chirp chirp chirp! Why can’t you change my diaper faster?, where’s that damn binky I’ve been asking for?, Why can’t you prepare milk faster ? It’s hard not to just stand back and laugh at him, it’s so cute.

Now that he’s a lot more interactive and we can play together, the days pass so quickly. Between all the chirping, smiling, playing and chatting, Mommy hardly has time for napping. We still have a hard time not staring at him when he take naps. There he is, breathing and dreaming away in his crib or cradle, and We just sit and stare, memorizing your face and all of his sleepy mannerisms. In fact, every time I come home from office he is resting in his craddle with mommy sitting beside ..and when I asks mommy what they did today, and all she can say is “I fell deeper in love with our son”.
The only sad part to this post is he is leavin for India with his mommy to see GRANDPARENTS, well he’s been such a good kid, he deserves it. I will see him in a couple of months !!!three-months2

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