A Tiny-Little Love Bite

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Archive for the ‘Baby_Shower’ Category

Baby Shower

Posted by jnitesh on October 6, 2008

Finally Vi’s big day is here ..the happy Saturday …Only one hiccup was that Pandit Ji decided to change the time from 4 PM to 1:30 PM so we had to give everybody invited a telephone call to make sure they make note of the new time…hey try going against stars !!! Wow..It was a busy day for me as it is imagine if I didn’t had any help (Thanks Guyz!!).
The day started with me making a trip to the airport to Pick Ni. It is going to be one hectic trip for her..she is leaving back to Chicago tomorrow. Raj and Kam arrived 15 minutes before we reached home. Prash picked up the flowers and cake while I was shopping around for DVDs for the video camera. Meanwhile Vi, Ni and Kam went to Mani’s house to get ready. I took a second shower and put my brand new “Kurta” on and went to the community hall with Raj. Raj started fixing up his video camera and took some test shot ..everything was going as planned. The food came right on time 1:20 PM, they arranged the food on the tables as promised ( by the way we all had arranged the room the previous night). Pandit Ji came at around 1:00 PM..as planned. As he started to prepare for the Pooja, people started to show up (Thanks to all who did not follow Indian Standard Time). Ni, Raj and Kam started preparing for the games ..and guess what they forgot one at their home ..no biggy ..everything still as planned…almost as planned. Vi and party got ready and came to the community hall (All the girls looked so pretty..money well spend J) around 1:45 PM. Expert camera guys (Thanks Guls, Prash, Arj) took few pictures and we sat down for the pooja ….
Overall, I enjoyed the pooja ..It was neither too long nor too short. The Pandit ji was funny, at one time he wanted me to sit like a Rajasthani King. I had no idea how you do that ..but he showed me and I kind of tried. It was hilarious when he called Raj sa “the movie-wala”. Once my part in the pooja was over he let me go and all the ladies did the “Godh-Bharai” for Vi. Interestingly one of ritual in the “Godh-Bharai” is where the brother-in-law slaps the “to-be-mom”. Prash, Guls and Arj did the honors. Once the Pooja was done we planned to serve food ..again everything as planned..
Are you guys thinking …wow excellent planning…hold your though right there ..As we started to uncover the food we realized that WE HAD NO SERVING SPOONS…we thought the catering guy is suppose to provide that but apparently not..Mani, Prash and I ran to homes to get whatever we could find…Minor detail…. Once the serving spoon crisis was over we invited everybody to start the lunch ..The food wasn’t the best but was not that bad too …above all I guess everybody enjoyed the company.
Once everybody done with the food we invited them for the game. Ni, Kam, Arj and Raj became the volunteers. The first came was where we were suppose to identify the flavor of the baby food. I guess I got all of them wrong and there were 7 of them !!! They all smelled same to me and I swear were pretty disgusting …I don’t know how you can give that to a baby. Kris was able to guess all of them right ..no doubt she just had a baby. Second game was where we were given a sealed packet with some baby stuff in it and we were suppose to guess what was in it…I still didn’t win (even though I cheated with Arj and he already has a 4 month old). Next game was Baby Bingo and you all know about that one .. Everybody had a great time….the funniest game was where everybody had to guess the right length of the toilet paper strip which would come closest to measuring Vi’s belly. My dear friends warned me to make sure that I significantly underestimate her belly ..which I of course did.. I think Penn won that.
Last item on the “planned” agenda was the Cake and it was the cutest cake I had seen so far. It was really sugary but I guess that’s how it is suppose to be
Everybody left at around 7. We were planning to open the gifts in the party but It was getting late and we decided to worry about that. Next two hours, we cleaned, cleaned and then some more cleaned ..I realized that time it is so nice to have help ..The guys did a great job …
All got together at home, had dinner and we knew Vi wanted to see the presents so we decide to open them. All the gift were really nice …what was even nicer were the thought people put it. We got a lot of stuff for the little one and that marks the beginning to a never ending shopping spree for the baby…
Everybody was exhausted but were very happy. I knew that the baby shower would be fun, but I never realize just how incredible of a day it would be. Again its all about the company and we had some really nice one.

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Baby Shower Invitation

Posted by jnitesh on September 30, 2008

Isn’t this the cutest card …We found only one pack in our closest Hallmark ..but everybody liked it so much that we called all the nearby Hallmarks and managed to found 4 packs …Prashant is going to have fun writing all of them !!!!

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