A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

College Planning for Little Nee

Posted by jnitesh on November 15, 2008


You guyz must think I am crazy after all Nee is only 6 days old and college planning …wait .let me explain!! With my limited understanding of the finances and the rising cost of education ( tuition continually out paces the rate of inflation for last several years), I had decided a long time ago that I will try and open a college fund as soon as the little one arrives. Mostly to take advantage of compounding!! There are many unknowns here as to where and when (and if at all) little Nee would go to college but I came across this plan where I can roll over into another 529 plan, although some states do a tax recapture. The contributions in this plan are tax free form both federal and state which is great !!. The plan I selected, Ohio, uses Vanguard and Putnum, and the expense ratio is approximately 0.30% , but have a variety of investment options. I particularly liked and selected the inflation-protected bonds. I am glad that I didn’t procrastinate on this and followed through quickly.


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