A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for the ‘Health Issues’ Category

Booked the Tickets !!!

Posted by jnitesh on February 28, 2009

Now its been several times we are taking the little man in the car to doctors, temple and shopping. I think he seems to enjoy the change in scenery. However most times he did exactly what we think he would: sleep. Since the good news on his health is out, and with all the green signals from doctors, we thought it will be best to book the tickets to India for the much awaited trip. So grand parents can finally see the “apple of their eyes”.

Of course, once we booked the ticket, we (specially mommy since she will be traveling alone with him) suddenly got very nervous. Very, very nervous. Like, agoraphobic, never-leave-the-house-again nervous. We’re about to become the people we’ve despised and bitched about for many, many trips. The tides have most certainly turned and I am terrified of the fate that lies ahead. The more she thought about the plane ride and the potential meltdowns, the more she shriveled up inside. I am a foolish, brazen, fate-tempter. What was I thinking: a one hour car ride is like a walk around the block compared to a 18 hour plane ride, with a plane change in Newark, Surrounded by strangers. All looking at That Woman with the Ticking Time Bomb. As the time to finally have that plane ride was approaching she ran through every possible reaction in her head to counter the baby-hating passengers: break the ice by handing out ear plugs. Shrug her shoulders and say “Babies! Whatcha gonna do.”. Throw a little guilt their way – “Far be it from me and my tiny son to interrupt your Zagat-rated meal and the Oscar-winning Scary Movie 4!” And if all else fails, just cry when he cries.
In preparation for her journey, we’ve been online researching travel tips and checklists. The amount of stuff this kid is going to need for his trip to India is ridiculous !! But with a baby, I’ve learned quickly that you can never play it too safe. You really do kind of need EVERYTHING for all WHAT-IF scenarios – because they CAN and WILL happen.


Flyingwithkids.com suggested this travel tip: Wear spunky clothes and dark glasses so that other passengers think you are someone famous enjoying quality time with your kids.

That should be easy, let me see ..there should be a plent of place for a few costume changes for “The Mommy”. They should come right after onesies, sleepers, socks, diapers, bath wash, lotion, medicine, the snot sucker, ear swabs, wipes, the binky, rattle, blankets, sheets, bottles, drop-in refills, bibs, a thermometer, receiving towels, disinfectant, a sun hat, jacket, stoller, the birth certificate, books, nail clippers, wash clothes and toys. And that’s just for baby…DO NOT FORGET 1 TON BABY FORMULA !!

Playing costume, you will be lucky to remember to pack your underwear amist this detailed baby pack-up and these people are suggesting dress-up ??? …. I am sure whoever is writing these tips have no kids or never ever have travelled with Kids.

I am sure you all can’t wait to hear about his first plane ride …keep listening !!!

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He is throwing up !!

Posted by jnitesh on November 21, 2008

It all started with Li’l Neev throwing up on me and yest it was not a itsy-bitsy spit my friends. It was a gush of milk with extreme force all on my face. I and Vi were sent to a state of intense shock. We just realized a completely new definition of panic. when you feel so helpless and have no idea what to do next while you are scared to death. Now all of you acute followers we are supplementing him with Formula, and doctor’s recommendation was to feed him Enfamil Lipil Iron. This formula is based on cow milk and has a blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA – found in breast milk and apparently it’s the closest to the breast milk. Seconds after our little incident we gave a call the doctor’s office and got a call back from Dr Johnson in minutes (awesome!!!). He suggested that he probably is having problem digesting cow milk and asked us to switch to Enfamil Prosobee, a soy based formula. Now that I recall back in India I don’t think they give infants cow milk ..its mostly goat milk or dilated cow milk. So I ran to the st

ore and got some Enfamil Prosobee. He seems to liking it fine and nutrients in both of them are comparable. We might try this for a month and then try and switch back to cow based, doctor permitting.


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