A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for the ‘Holidays’ Category

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by jnitesh on November 29, 2008

Today is thanksgiving Friday and there are a lot things to be thankful on this day to family, friends, colleagues. However, I am most thankful to my wife for providing me the most precious gift ever. I am thankful to my little sugar bubble for coming into our lives and making it complete. I am thankful to my company for providing me trusting me and providing me extraordinary opportunities. On this Thanksgiving Day, I wish everybody a happy one. Everybody please take a moment to think about the things your are grateful for and make sure you show your appreciation !!
With every thanksgiving comes a crazy shopping spree called black Friday “The day of insane deals” and “the busiest shopping day of the year”. Black Friday is a nickname for the day in which most retailers go from being red (not overall profit) in their books to black (profitable!) ..and hence the name “Black Friday”. As we all know the economy is bad but people are still going to have a holiday to celebrate. I am hearing that this year the deals are not as great as it was in other years but still fairly decent from the regular prices. I was not sure if I should go initially but I found this 640 GB External USB hard drive deal ($69.99!!!) in staples which is just two blocks aways from our home so I decided in favor of taking a trip.
I asked Vi to wake me up at 5:15 AM. I had a coffee before leaving at 5:25. Traditionally I knew that staples generally have no lines (unlike Best buy which every year would have at least 300-400 people camping out 2 days before the deal day by the time store opens at 5 AM) but to my surprise there was around 40 people already. My chances of getting the hard drive was already seemed very bleak. But I decided to stay in line any way. It was still 20 minutes before they will open the doors. It wasn’t as bad as the Target line which I could see and already had more than 150 people. I started talking to a group of guys standing next to me who told that they camped for 13 hours in front of Best Buy and didn’t get to buy the $299 laptop. Apparently they were 30th in line while the store only had 15 of them.


At 6:00 they opened the door, everybody rushed in I was able to locate the hard drive in next minute (given an odd location they put it however that was OK as few people could fine it) and picked up a box of blank DVDs also. Line at the checkout counter wasn’t that bad as people are still trying to find stuff. I paid and headed out for Toys-r-us which is on the other side of the road. I got kind of upset as Nee is still very small and none of the toys really looked appropriate at his age. So I head to the newborn accessory section where I picked up a box of 96 diapers ($10) at a great price and picked up two diaper disposal refills. The biggest problem here was the checkout line..there must have been 100 people ahead of me. Finally after waiting 1 hour in the line I got to pay and get out of the store. Subsequently, I peeped it to Burlington .which was an utter disappointment, although I did picked up a baby oil for Nee. At 7:30 I window shopped in Macy’s for 10 minutes and then went in to JCPenny where I picked few dresses for Nee. Before going to Sears I peeped into several store with no success. I did pick one very cute outfit (Hawaiian Shirt and Niker) for Nee in Old Navy. In Sears I picked a food processor ($18.99 wow !!) and few more dresses for Nee. From there I headed to Dunkin Donuts to pick up breakfast (Sandwiches, hash brown and Banana Nut Muffins). I reached home at 9:30 AM, Vi has a nice cup of tea ready !!! After all that’s what you need after a 4 hours trip in freezing weather. Nee was happy with his dresses !!

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