A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The First Movie as a Family

Posted by jnitesh on January 2, 2012

So yesterday we took Neev to see the much talked “MI-4”. I and he have been to the Rio movie before and he sat through that just fine. However, we still were nervous. But he sat through the movie like a champ. He saw the movie while munching on the testy popcorn, no trouble at all.  He seem to enjoy the movie as such but every once in a while he would say “Ab dinosaur aayenge (not dinosaur will come)”. The movie itself was a a terrific thriller with great action sequences. The best one being where Mr Cruise is hanging more than 100 stories up on the glass windows of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building.  PLAIN, SIMPLE AWESOME !!

Should we have taken him to the movies with so much guns and explosion, probably not, but we did. We obviously are not planning to make it a habit but every once is while when something like this comes us you have to do it …

On another note, as it was beginning of the new year so we did our good parents duty and took Neev to A Gurudwara (Thanks to Ank** and Man**) and also to the Jain temple. So we sort of balanced the bad deed (movie) with good deed (temple), at least in our head.

He also got a hair cut today and looks awesome..!!!

On a sad note, tomorrow schools and office open after a long holiday break. We are not looking forward to the busy life to say the least.

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Its Been a Long Long While….

Posted by jnitesh on December 31, 2011

I was gone …man oh man !!! Its been almost 3 years since I have written, I am going to be more regular now. At least once a month how about that !!!

Neev is just over 3 years and will be celebrating his 4th new year party on the earth …

see you later ..and Wish you all a Great 2012

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Crap Will Be Crap !!

Posted by jnitesh on December 27, 2008

musica_mobileThis was one of the most useless god damn piece of Chinese crap; God forbid if they will ever make anything which will last/perform decently. I hate to say this but I am not even sure if they even have a concept called quality. I know you all must be thinking if I am so mad why did I buy Chinese. My answer to that will be where the hack I go to find things which are not made in china !!! The worst part is little chunky-munky just got used to it and started to enjoy it but so much for that dream. It not only broke but hurt my finger badly while I was trying to turn the freaking knob.

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