A Tiny-Little Love Bite

Capturing Memories of a Lifetime

Archive for the ‘VISA’ Category

Got the VISA

Posted by jnitesh on October 18, 2008

I am happy to report that my mom’s VISA got approved yesterday. According to her VISA officer was extremely polite and helpful. Other then a small “this photo won’t work” accident everything went fairly smoothly. Vi’s mom and Bro waited outside until she came out (3 hours). She is already back to jodhpur and should receive her VISA in few days. Finally all that hard work paid off.. ..We collected so many papers but the officer did not even asked for one document..amazing !!! Next thing would be to book the tickets but she need to get her vacations approved first.

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Visa Interview

Posted by jnitesh on October 15, 2008

Today Mom left for new Delhi to appear for her Visa Interview. I gave her some last minute tips. Actually I didn’t even realized that she was suppose to leave today, I was giving her my teachings without realizing that everybody was waiting for her to get off the phone. Hopefully, she will get the VISA. I am not keeping very high hopes though, as everyone who has appeared for a visa knows, that the process is more or less random and luck is a big factor. We have prepared all the paperwork the best we can and she has spent a lot of time studying them. Lets see what happens !!

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